How to Create Headlines that will Drive Leads, Sales and Clicks
How to Create Headlines that will Drive Leads, Sales and Clicks
How to Create Headlines that will Drive Leads, Sales and Clicks Read More »
Remember Herb Tarlek? You know…the advertising sales guy from “WKRP In Cinncinnati?” Back in the day, if you wanted to “buy” advertising, you needed to do it from an ad guy. The media sales rep. Didn’t matter if it was radio, television, newspaper or outdoor, the process started and ended with your “rep.” I have
You Don’t Need Herb Anymore Read More »
What is Targeted Display? Have you ever been scrolling through Facebook or a website and suddenly a flashy ad catches your attention? Those are banner ads that are highly targeted, reaching specific areas, demographics and groups with similar interests and even search history. Audiences who are exposed to display advertising are more engaged with the
What You Don’t Know About Targeted Display Ads Read More »
Recognize this? Yes, some may see the Olympic circles. By the way, in case you were wondering…the Olympic circles represent the five continents of the world, united by Olympism. I see Talent Circles. Back in 2010, I created a start-up digital marketing company financed in large part by an iconic broadcast group. I had to
It is 2020. There are no more excuses for a business not to be active on social media. It is a free (to sign-up and create an account) tool for your business and is a great way to reach potential customers every single day while also giving them an easy way to search for your
How to Make Your Brand’s Social Media Stand Out from the Competition Read More »
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730 Rayovac Dr.
Madison, WI 53711